Did you go through an awkward stage? Yikes, I sure did. ????
I vividly remember the day this photo was taken- putting on that skinny pink tie, moussing my Cyndi Lauper hair, and feeling TOTALLY AWESOME about myself. Looking in the mirror that morning, I felt confident and cool and funny. Even those braces couldn’t dim my smile.
I hadn’t yet learned to feel insecure about my looks, my dorky hobbies, or my odd little creative pursuits (like mime!).
But then in 10th grade, it happened. I figured out all the ways I needed to “fix” myself. That’s the year I learned how to feel awkward, and weird and very, very different. ????
How about you? Growing up, did you feel “different”?
I hope you did. Because here’s the crazy thing… The very trait that makes you “different” is the key to your highest potential.
It’s good to be better. But it’s better to be different.
Now, I have an invitation for you…
After these past two years of writing and research, I’m getting ready to publish my newest ideas and insights.
I’m inviting a group of insiders (like you!) to get the very first look, before the book is published.
I’d love to get your feedback and opinions! Let me know what you think right here in the comments.