Sally Hogshead


Growing up with the last name Hogshead would give anyone a quirky point of view.

After graduating from Duke University, Sally Hogshead skyrocketed to the top of the advertising elite, creating TV commercials for brands like Nike and Coca-Cola.

At age 24, she was the most award-winning copywriter in the U.S. By 27, she’d opened her first ad agency in Los Angeles. And at 30, her work was hung in the Smithsonian Museum of American History.


Today, Sally Hogshead writes New York Times bestsellers on the science of fascination… why we’re impressed by certain people and brands.

She has twice been named the #1 Global Brand Guru, and frequently appears on NBC’s morning show, TODAY. The press described her as a “superstar” and “force of nature” who “changed the face of North American advertising.”

Sally Hogshead
Sally Hogshead Different is Better than Better


Sally HOGSHEAD is the creator of the Fascinate® Testthe first personal brand measurement, which identifies your most fascinating and impressive qualities. More than one million professionals have taken her test, including leaders in companies such as Facebook, Porsche, NASA, and Twitter.

Sally Hogshead is one of only 189 professional living speakers to be inducted into the Speaker Hall of Fame® …the industry’s highest award for professional excellence.

Sally’s mission in life is to bring back the hogshead as a unit of popular measurement in the U.S.


Sally Hogshead is frequently featured in national media, including these 6 segments about Super Bowl ads

  • #1 Wall Street Journal bestseller
  • 2 New York Times bestsellers
  • Translated into 22 languages
  • Global campaign leader for the world’s most respected brands
  • Led campaigns for over $1 billion of advertising
  • Showcased in Smithsonian Museum of American History

Sally helps you identify your unique talents so you can figure out what makes you different from others, then use that power to stand out—and shine.”

– Oprah Magazine

  • Voted “funniest” every year of high-school
  • State mime champion (yes, she was that uncool)
  • Studied at the University of Nairobi
  • Duke University graduate
  • 1.3 million professionals have taken Sally’s Fascinate Test
  • 120 Fascinate certified trainers worldwide
  • A decade of proprietary market research
  • columnist
Sally Hogshead Different is Better than Better
  • National Speakers Association Hall of Fame® (CPAE)
  • Word of Mouth Marketing Hall of Fame
  • Consistently ranked as a top speaker by meeting planners
Sally Hogshead Different is Better than Better
  • #1 most award-winning copywriter in the U.S. at age 24
  • #1 Global Brand Guru of 2016 and 2019
  • Winner of a Cannes Lion, Clio statue, and the $100,000 Kelly Award for Best Campaign of the Year


All of Sally’s speaking engagements are coordinated through the amazing team at SpeakersOffice. Click the button below and someone from their office will reach out to you to continue the discussion.

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Sally Hogshead